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„…My compliments to your inventiveness and professionalism during event planning and quick customer responsiveness before as well as at the time of the event.
I value the smile and positive thinking which seemed not to leave you.
The above mentioned facts prove that with clear conscience we can recommend you as a professional partner full of original solutions in the area of event organization.”
Anna Piotrowska
„… Your commitment and professionalism made it possible to produce an important event at a very satisfactory level.
Your inventiveness and great organizational skills, which allowed to prepare the premiere of a new vehicle in InterContinental Hotel, were outstanding.
Your engagement, which had a great impact on the success of the meeting, is well appreciated. We express our satisfaction with our cooperation and the level of your service.”
Tetsuya Takenaka
The President of TMPL
„… I am specifically thankful for a quick reaction to unpredictable situations and for your personal commitment in facing them. Thank you for your openness to all our suggestions and your creativity in implementing them.
I am also thankful for the optimism which manifested itself in the most difficult moments.
I would also like to add that with clear conscience I will recommend your company to everyone interested in organizing exceptional events.”
Krzyszof Wojciechowski
Fortum Power and Heat Polska Sp. z o.o.
„Dzięki pomysłowej kreacji i kompleksowej realizacji, imprezy zostały zrealizowane profesjonalnie, rzetelnie i terminowo, a współpraca z agencją przebiegała w miłej atmosferze. QRKA Entertainment podchodzi do Klienta indywidualnie i rzeczowo, a dbałość o szczegóły i wysokie zaangażowanie wpływa na wysoki poziom świadczonych usług.”
Maciej Karolak
Prezes Ruch Marketing Sp. z o.o.
„… From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for professional cooperation while organizing a conference for Channel Integrators promoting the launch of Nest Bank brand.
It needs to be mentioned that your services are up to the highest standards and provided with great commitment and creativity which had an immense impact on the success of the event. We appreciate your eye for detail, flexibility and nice atmosphere of cooperation which resulted in a very positive reaction from the attendees.”
Lech Borgosz
Brand Manager of Nest Bank
„It is my pleasure to recommend the services by QRKA ENTERTAINMENT, represented by Agnieszka Kurkiewicz, as a company which services are up to the highest standards.
Professionalism, great commitment, discreet presence during the event combined with deep concern about the whole undertaking resulted in a great satisfaction among us as organizers and the guests. Undoubtedly, we are willing to cooperate with QRKA ENTERTAINMENT in the future.”
Elżbieta i Krzysztof Wałkuscy
Podczas realizacji wspólnego projektu dała się Pani poznać jako niezawodny partner, konsultant służący dobrą radą w każdej sytuacji. Nawet w najtrudniejszych momentach wykazywała się Pani profesjonalizmem, zrozumieniem naszych potrzeb i dużą elastycznością.
Podczas naszej współpracy wykazała się Pani dużym zaangażowaniem i dokładnością w wykonywaniu powierzonych zadań. Szczególne dziękujemy za inicjatywę wykazywaną w trudnych i zaskakujących sytuacjach – bardzo doceniamy taką postawę, która znacznie wykracza poza standardowe obowiązki wynikające z oficjalnego kontaktu z klientem.
Tomasz Hildebrandt
Europejskie Centrum Solidarności
We would like to thank you and your colleagues for the excellent service provided during the European Toyota Fleet Forum, held in Warsaw in October 2016.
You provided excellent customer service; taking last minute changes and requests in your stride. No challenge was too big!
Thanks to Qrka, the event ran smoothly and efficiently enabling the Toyota BusinessPlus event team to concentrate on the presentations and the guests. Such a commitment to customer service is to be commended, and I hope we might work together again in the future.
Yours Sincerely
Dave Cussell
GM Fleet, Leasing & Network
Toyota Motor Europe
All the events organized by Qrka Entertainment for our company standed out due to its originality of concept and ideal performance. Qrka Entertainment meets our needs in every aspect adjusting its own ideas to client’s expectations and budget assumptions.
The positive effects of cooperation have been stressed by the board of Toyota Motor Poland, its employees and the guests taking part in the events organized by the above mentioned agency.
I recommend Qrka Entertainment Event Agency to companies looking for a professional and reliable partner in organizing all types of events.
Jacek Pawlak
Toyota Motor Poland